Monday, October 1, 2007

State of the PDR

Hey everyone,

It's been awhile since we sat down and had a chat. We got some updates for you. In numerical order!

1. This week is PDR spirit week. Which means we're promoting like crazy for the first time in our history. If you know an mp3 blog, tell them about us. If you have friends, tell them about us. If you have pets, force them to listen to us. If you get a single person to listen to us, tell us and you'll get a personalized copy of FutureSnake/LoveSounds delivered to you. If you get us listed on a blog or something, expect a bigger prize! Let me know you do any of this, I would love to give these prizes away.

2. In relation, DJ Million Dollar Babies has an iLike page. Add him on facebook or whatever!

iLike Page!
Facebook Page!

3. Be our friends on myspace!

DJ Million Dollar Snake Babies
Doc Nasty

4. Links die. That's part of life. If there is a song that you want to hear, but the link is dead, comment on any one of our posts, and we'll put it up ASAP.

QED, muthafucka. There will be a new song up tonight. Until them keeping repping that PDR nasty.

Stay real,

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